Flag Half-Masting

A fire department who flies flags and is wanting to know when and why they should lower their flags or a curious member of the public wanting to know why the local fire department may be flying their flags at half-mast, this page has you covered! It benefits both parties.

Current/Recent Flag Half-Masting News:

Firefighters' National Memorial Day

Half-Masting Period: Sunday, September 8, 2024.

Locations: The flags at all fire departments across Digby and Annapolis County that fly flags that have a pole (halyard/mast) where a flag can be lowered to half-mast.

Last Updated on August 25, 2024

Special dates for when fire department flags should be lowered at half-mast are:

As of April 6, 2024 the following fire departments listed who fly flags in Digby/Annapolis Counties are:

*Note - Only fire departments who have in-ground flagpoles with an appropriate halyard/mast for lowering flags to half-mast is listed here.


If you know of any information that is missing or needs updating on this page, then please message our Facebook page. Thank you!